Dorothy Parker

Unfortunate Coincience
By the time you swear your his
shivering and sighing
And he vows his passion is infinate,
Lady make a note of this;
One of you is lying
   -Dorothy Parker

A Very Short Song
Once when I was young and true
Someone left me sad
Broke my little heart in two
And that was very bad
Love is for unlucky folk
Love is but a curse
Once there was a heart I broke.
And that I think is worse
   -Dorothy Parker

Light of Love
Joy stayed a night
Young and free and fair
And in the morning night
He left me there
The sorrow came to stay
And lay upon my breast
He walked with me in the day
And then he knew me best
Ill never be a brick
Nor yet a celibate
So i'm leaving now with pride
And a cold bedmate
He must not hear nor see
Nor could he forgive
That sorrow still visits me
Each day I live.
   -Dorothy Parker

Somebody's Song
This is what I vow;
He shall have my heart to keep,
Sweetly we will stir and sleep,
   All the years and now
Swift the measured sands may run
Love like this is never done
He and I are welded one
   This is what I vow
This is what I pray;
Keep him by me tenderly,
Keep him sweet in pride of me
   Ever and a day
Keep him from the old distress
Let me, for our happiness
Be the one to love the less
   This is what I pray
This is what I know;
Lovers oaths are thin as rain
Loves a harbinger of pain
   Would it were not so
Ever is my my heart a'thirst
Ever is my love accurst
He is neither last nor first
   This is what i know
   -Dorothy Parker

Day Dreams
We'd build a little bungalow
If you and I were one
And carefully we'd plan it so
We'd get the morning sun
I'd rise each day at rosy dawn
And bustle gaily down
And evenings cool, you'd spray the lawn
When you come back from town.
A little cookbook i should buy
Your dishes i'd prepare
And though theyd come out black and dry
I know you wouldn't care
How valantly i'd strive to learn
Assured you'd not complain
And if my finger i should burn
You'd kiss away the pain
I'd buy a little scrubbing brush
And beautify the floors
I'd warble gaily as a thrush
About my little chores
But though i'd cook and sew and scrub
A higher life i'd find
I'd join a little womens club
And cultivate my mind.
If you and i were one, my dear
A models life we'd lead
We'd travel from year to year
At no increase of speed.
Ah clear to me the vision of
The things that we should do
And so I think its best, my love, to string along as two.
   -Dorothy Parker

Epitaph For A Darling Lady
All her hours were yellow sands
Blown in foolish whirls and Tassles;
Slipping warmly through her hands;
Patted into little castles.
Shiny day on shiny day
Tumble in a rainbow clutter.
As she flipped them all away
Sent them spinning down the gutter.
Leave for her a red young rose
Go your way, and save your pity
She is happy, for she knows
That her dust is pretty
   -Dorothy Parker
